
13 décembre 2017


Filed under: traverses — Étiquettes : — errant @ 07:42

Jad is seeing how much we suffer in our school. Eno law kenna bel engineering school kenna re7na 3end el estez elnelo ma3am yezbat ma3e el exercice 3adeh byeshra7lna. hone bel art metl el 5ara, ma shi zabit ma bta3rif shu el meshkle they criticize l idea, bas hal idea jeye menne, ya3ne they’re criticizing not only my idea but this idea coming from me, therefore they are criticizing who I am. AND THIS HURTS. This is too much for a girl in a relationship. He hugged me. Hey mannik single. Bas 3ala shway ken lah ysir fi kiss. I should put this on errances. yii lezim eb3at texte Joseph w Josephine. MA BA2 BADDE ARTS. maskara. YOU KNOW WHAT i’m just gonna keep it they way it is and fuck. It is the way it is, you accept and shut your mouth. ENOUGH. I WANNA FUCKING DRAW THIS WAY. ya pas de raisons, ni de justification, c’est comme ca avale sans faire chier merci. Stop daydreaming about him.


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